What is postads mobile app ?

1. Offers, deals & discounts in stores near you

2. Postads mobile app is a business listing & business, advertising platform, where merchant can update business ads and offers to            local postads users for free

Postads mobile app advertises businesses and publishes the Business advertisements.

How to publish ads in postads?
1) Sign in with mobile number and OTP in postads
2) Select postads option ,select related category and subcategory for advertisement
3) Upload advertising photos/videos about your business and submit

postads Explore All Near By Offers
postads Earn Money By Sharing The App

How to register and advertise my business in postads mobile app ?

1.Download postads app

2.login with mobile number and otp

3.complete your business profile
     a)Business name
     b)business location
     c)Business logo
     d)About business
     e)Business branding photos

4.select POSTAD option

5.select category & subcategory of your business

6.upload ad photos(Pamphlets, visiting cards, deals, discounts, offers, brochers etc )


8.nearby users find your ads

postads Categories List
postads Business/User Profile Registration Page
postads Uploading Ad Image & Videos

postads Published Ads In Home Page
postads All Menu items

Why we created POSTADS ?

1.People never knew what offers are going on in nearby stores
2.Merchants put offers and again spends a lot of money for advertising those offers here is where postads mobile app is a solution for them to upload ads/offers to attract the local customers to the stores for FREE OF COST
3.Postads is Intented to show the customers what offer are going on in nearby stores in various business categories
4.Connect local customers to the merchants

Why to publish ads in postads Mobile App ?
1) New postads Users can publish their ads freely for first time
2) Advertising in postads mobile app costs cheap comparing to present market advertising channels
3) Adverisers can know views count for their advertisements
4) Paid advertisements will be listed on top

Features in postads mobile app for merchants
1.PROFILE -Business profile pic, business name, phone number, business location, Business photos, ratings
2.ADVERTISEMENT - get likes, comments, views, shares of published ads & offers
👍Ad Likes - merchants can know which type of offers does the local customers really like and can attract more customers to their businesses
3.HIDE PUBLISHED AD - Merchants can hide the published ad for public anytime before the ad expiry
4.FREE BUSINESS AD/OFFER PUBLISHING - advertising cost is zero on postads mobile app

How postads advertises My Business?
1) Your Business phone number will be enabled to all users so that they can call for further Business enquiries
2) Any postads user can find location of your Business
3) Your Business will be listed based on Ratings, your advertisements expiry and Distance

How can users find my published ads in postads Mobile App?
1) Users selects location, category &sub category and find the advertisements
2) Users can also see advertisements by choosing sort bywith 3 options NEARBY, HEIGHEST RATINGS, ADS EXPIRING SOON